Medical Nutrition4 signs you have lactose intolerance:
4 signs you have lactose intolerance

4 signs you have lactose intolerance:

4 signs you have lactose intolerance. Eating or drinking dairy products can cause diarrhea, bloating, or gas in the stomach in some people. If you had this experience, you may have lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerant people lack the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the milk protein lactose. If lactase is produced in a low amount or is not produced at all, milk sugar will not be properly digested and cause problems. 4 signs you might have lactose intolerance:

1- Bloating

When there is lactose intolerance, the milk sugar lactose can’t be broken down in the gut area where it is supposed to be. And eventually reaches the colon. As the carbohydrate molecules are unable to absorb into the colon, they stay longer there and give bacteria a chance to ferment them. This fermentation causes the release of gases and acid, and the combination of these causes bloating.

2- Diarrhea

Diarrhoea happens when there is too much water in the colon, which makes the stools watery. In the colon, bacteria use lactose that the body hasn’t yet broken down to produce acid. This acid accumulation attracts water in the colon and becomes a cause of diarrhoea.

3- Nausea and vomiting

It is mostly absent in children but can also be found in adults as well. It usually occurs 2–3 hours after the ingestion of a dairy product. This is a common symptom observed in individuals who are lactose intolerant. The body is unable to digest lactose due to low levels of lactase. 

4- Gas

It can also cause flatulence and increase the production of gases like carbon dioxide and methane because the sugar is not properly digested and fermentation of this produces gases. One important thing to keep in mind is that the amount of gas doesn’t show how much lactose intolerance someone has.

In short:

Lactose intolerance can cause many problems like diarrhea, vomiting, and flatulence production. Which can happen after 30 minutes or more than 2 hours And these conditions, like bloating, do not indicate the intensity of lactose intolerance but depend on the intrinsic sensitivity of pain.

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